Celebrating with Stanley Yeaman
Mr ALISTER HENSKENS (Ku-ring-gai—Minister for Skills and Training, and Minister for Science, Innovation and Technology) (18:30): I acknowledge a remarkable person and veteran, Mr Stanley Yeaman from Wahroonga, who recently celebrated his 100th birthday. In 1931 at nine years of age, Mr Yeaman and his family moved to Hornsby. By 1942 Mr Yeaman had signed up for the army and served in Papua New Guinea as a driver where he unloaded ships and transported supplies. After the war ended Mr Yeaman returned to Australia and started a saddlery shop repairing leather goods. He then purchased a milk run servicing 400 homes in Hornsby, before taking a job at Hornsby Hospital. Mr Yeaman eventually threw himself into his work and raised significant money for the hospital. In recent years, Mr Yeaman has been heavily involved in bowls at Waitara Bowling Club and The Grange, and tutored students from Hornsby Girls High School. He has participated in several Anzac Day ceremonies. Mr Yeaman is an exemplary person whose longstanding service to our community and nation is inspiring. Congratulations on turning 100.