Tiarn Garland Receives A National Art Award
Mr ALISTER HENSKENS (Ku-ring-gai) — I congratulate Tiarn Garland from Ravenswood School for Girls who received the Bic Australia Art Award for her entry 'Watchful Eyes'. As part of the 2020 Young Australian Art Awards, Tiarn was one of 30,000 students who entered. Tiarn specialises in using pencil and the detail she is able to capture in her work is incredible. This isn't the first time Tiarn has been recognised. The Year 11 student won the International Fund for Animal Welfare's 2020 global youth art contest. Nearly 200 entries from 20 countries were received and she was announced the winner at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. I had the pleasure of meeting Tiarn and her father Mike. We spoke about her art, her schooling, what she enjoys to do in her spare time and her future plans. Congratulations again to Tiarn, this is an extraordinary achievement not only for you but the Ravenswood school community.